Products > Vision stimulation > VITAZOR > Remove Eye Fatigue

Remove Eye Fatigue


It's important to know!

Eye fatigue is the specific physiological state of temporary decrease of vision efficiency and eyes work coordination.

Corresponding symptoms: eye pain and eye burning, pain, watering, headache, irritability, bad sleep.

It develops at longtime hard work related to small objects seeing, computer operations (so-called computer visual syndrome), operations at bad lighting, car driving etc.

It can induce common health depression, nervous diseases and some eye diseases as myopia.

It is characterized not by work infraction of eye accommodation system, but by lowering of retina functional state concerned with worsening of eye blood filling and infraction of reductive-oxidative processes.

Training of ciliary muscles, vitamins reception, rational planning of work/rest time are insufficiently effective for retina activity restoring.



is the laser device for vision stimulation intended for eyestrain removal and prevention of eye fatigue development at persons concerned with longtime visual job!


The Method

used in VITAZOR device consists in binocular action of low-intensity diffused red laser irradiation.

The Results

are eyesight functions restoring and eye fatigue removal.


The basic features of diffused red laser influence on eye structures

Red wavelength lasers irradiation is much effective because it fall within the cellular frequency range of biological tissue.
Improving of tissue blood filling and producing an increased quantity of protein and calcium - are the well known effects of red biolasers;

So, effects are:

  • retina antioxidant system activation as result of absorption by pigment epithelium;
  • receptor cells activation by promotion of rhodopsin regeneration;
  • relaxation of all eye accomodation systems due to the wide laser output fileld.  


!Single effect is equal to a prolonged night rest

!Effect of 5 procedures course remains for 3-4 months